Organic Aloe Vera Powder
Aloe Vera History:
Aloe vera, or barbadensis miller, is a fleshy evergreen plant in the succulent family native to the Arabian Peninsula. Its popularity has allowed for Aloe’s cultivation to be spread around the world. The leaves are green and serrated, and filled with a clear, jelly-like substance. It is thought that aloe is one of the oldest plants in written record because of its medicinal qualities.
Throughout history, aloe was thought to have healing properties. The Chinese used the plant topically and as a “Method of Harmony” in everyday life. The Japanese drank the juice and used it topically to relieve pain. Ancient Egyptians applied aloe to skin wounds and burns. Legend has it that Cleopatra coveted the juice of aloe and used it daily as part of her skin care regimen. Further lore references Alexander the Great. It has been told that he used aloe juice on his warriors to help heal the wounds of war. Similarly, Christopher Columbus was thought to have youth aloe vera to treat his mercenaries. Maya Indians called allow, the fountain of youth. Aloe is referenced in ancient Sanskrit and thought to give youth to women.
Aloe Vera Uses:
Modern scientific literature supports the use of Aloe Vera topically. Aloe Vera, Aloe vera contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidants.
Aloe Vera Benefits:
There is evidence that it can assist in wound healing, may help reduce inflammation, and have an antiseptic effect. Taken orally, it has an effective laxative quality. Some preliminary research suggests Aloe Vera may have immune boosting and anti-cancer properties. Aloe is moisturizing when applied topically and may decrease fine lines and acne. For this reason, aloe is commonly added to skin creams and ointments to boost moisture and healing abilities. There are reports of aloe vera toxicity when ingested in high amounts. Therefore, use of supplements should always be discussed with a physician prior to starting.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.
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