Ginger Panna Cotta with Organge Rind
A creamy, vegan coconut milk panna cotta spiced with ginger and infused with the essence of orange. This panna cotta is lightly cooked and cooled until set, making it mostly hands-free and quick to prepare.
A creamy, vegan coconut milk panna cotta spiced with ginger and infused with the essence of orange. This panna cotta is lightly cooked and cooled until set, making it mostly hands-free and quick to prepare.
2 Cups
5 minutes
15 minutes
Linda DeCann
Refreshing for breakfast and delicious enough for a guiltless dessert, panna cotta is a versatile dish that pairs well with many accompaniments, such as fresh fruit or jam. This delicately spiced panna cotta subtly combines orange and ginger flavors in a creamy, jelly-like texture reminiscent of the joys of childhood. Simply four ingredients are required to create this healthy treat.
1 can coconut milk (about 14 ounces)
1 teaspoon agar agar powder
3-inch piece of orange rind
2 teaspoons organic ginger powder
Whisk together all ingredients in a medium pot.
Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
Reduce the heat to a simmer and continue simmering for 5 minutes until agar agar is dissolved.
Remove from heat and pick out the piece of orange rind.
Pour into desired serving vessel(s) such as small cups, decorative molds and/or ramekins. Allow to cool completely before serving or unmolding.
You can have fun getting creative by using different molds to create interesting, fun shapes and sizes. Enjoy the warm, tropical flavors of this coconut, orange and ginger scented panna cotta.
Calories 735, Carbs 53.3 grams, Cholesterol 30 milligrams, Fat 56.2 grams, Fiber 4.6 grams, Protein 12.4 grams, Saturated Fat 47.2 grams, Sodium 270 milligrams, Sugar 6.7 grams
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